Giving to Oak Hills

Thank you for supporting the work of Christ here at Oak Hills Presbyterian Church!

Here you will find a link to our Online Giving page as well as information about how to electronically submit an Online Pledge Card.

Online Giving

To get started, click here:

Every gift is carefully stewarded according to the mission and values of our congregation. In the interest of transparency, our budget and all expenditures are available for public viewing (contact Sue Howard in the church office at 503-654-4321).

Oak Hills Presbyterian Church is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization as part of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
EIN 23-6393377.

For more information on how to make your online gift, please check our FAQ page.

Online Pledge Card

You can use the form below to electronically submit your pledge for 2023. The table below will help you determine your monthly pledge, based on your annual salary and desired percentage.

  1. Find the row closest to your annual income.
  2. Go across that row to your desired pledge percentage.
  3. The amount in the box is your monthly contribution to the mission of Oak Hills.
  4. After submitting your pledge in the form below, you can set up automated donations on our e-giving site: here
pledge chart

I/We understand that all I/we have is a gift from God. In joyful thanks, I/We join with the Oak Hills family to offer this financial gift. We know that through God these Thanksgiving gifts will support and grow our ministry in the year ahead.

    Fields marked with * are required

    I want to receive pledge envelopesI plan to use online e-giving